Monero up by 12%
Monero is the eleventh largest cryptocurrency with market capitalization amounting to USD 3.5 billion. Over the last 24 hours its price has increased by 12% to USD 233. Only this week the capitalization of the coin increased by one billion dollars.
At the very beginning of the week, Monero’s price was USD 167.78, and its capitalization was only USD 2.66 billion. The cryptocurrency has almost recovered loss from the past weeks. It was last at this level on March 21. It is still a long way to reach themaximum of 20 January, when the price was 389.03 USD. Then market capitalization exceeded slightly USD 6 billion.
The cryptocurrency is still well above the USD 40-50 range, where it was last year. Monero is one of the coins that led, together with Bitcoin, to market capitalization of cryptocurrency at level of 334 billion USD. Bitcoin bounced back to 8100 USD in the last 24 hours.
On 6 April there was a six-month hard fork Monero, the cryptocurrency received several improvements. However, there is a risk that the network will be divided into two separate chains.