Interactive Brokers Group, a global brokerage firm listed on the US Nasdaq under the ticker IBKR, is expanding its offering with GlobalAnalyst, a new tool that allows investors to compare relative valuations and financial ratios of stocks from around the world, thereby supporting diversification of their portfolios.
Recognizing that comparing valuations of domestic and foreign stocks can be challenging for investors, Interactive Brokers created GlobalAnalyst. This tool facilitates the analysis and selection of the companies which are best suitable for investment. It helps to assess investment opportunities and to discover undervalued companies with greater potential for growth.
Using GlobalAnalyst, investors can search for stocks by region, country, industry, market capitalisation and currency. The performance table displays current market and financial indicators, including the PEG ratio, which is the PE (price/earnings) ratio divided by the three-year compounded earnings growth rate. This can be extremely helpful, as lower readings usually indicate undervalued companies.
It is worth emphasizing that GlobalAnalyst is a simple and, most importantly, free tool that can be used by investors looking for undervalued shares of companies from all over the world. It is available on the Interactive Brokers website:
In addition, Interactive Brokers clients also have access to the Trade Worldwide news feed, which facilitates the discovery of new global products that can complement their investment strategies. Based on the client’s portfolio and trading habits, the Trade Worldwide feed presents a list of actionable and global investments selected specifically for the client. In addition, clients using Trade Worldwide can quickly find articles related to companies, topics or keywords of interest and apply the appropriate filters to make timely trades.
– In addition to offering a wide range of products in more than 135 markets around the world, we continue to provide traders with leading technology and tools to help them make good investment decisions,” said Steve Sanders, EVP of Marketing and Product Development at Interactive Brokers, adding that both GlobalAnalyst and Trade Worldwide are powerful tools for individual investors and advanced traders who want to take advantage of the benefits of trading globally.