Tag: eurozone
EUR: Momentary Shortness of the EU Industry or Change of Trend?
The manufacturing sector of the euro area continued to remain strong in February, although the growth rate of new orders declined in relation to...
Dollar starts 2018 on the Back Foot
Little to commend the Greenback
Drivers of economic activity in the U.S. seem to be improving, the employment market is buoyant, yet inflation, and this...
More of the Same
Market drivers to remain unchanged in Q1
The announcement of the date for the Italian Government Elections which will be held on March 4th merely...
Powell Likely to Face a Tough Baptism
Inflation target becoming obsolete
The first issue facing the new Chairman if the Federal Reserve when the takes over in a little over a months’...
Trump Casts a Huge Shadow
Political developments have been a major influence on the market
As we reflect on the events that have driven currencies over what has been a...
Dollar to Suffer as Inflation Remains Benign
Powell to be more circumstantial over rate hikes
Jerome Powell will take over as Chairman of the Federal Reserve on February 3rd. This will be...
Political Concerns to Drive Euro
Brexit to take a back-seat
Following last week's confirmation of the agreement of Brussels to move to stage two in Brexit negotiations, the U.K.’s proposed...
Dollar set for Boost as Fiscal Reforms Pass
Dollar in tight ranges as FOMC looms
There have been two major issues that have been driving the dollar recently and both look likely to...
U.S. GDP Surprise Fails to Rouse Dollar
Q3 Growth at 3.3%
In much the same way as Brexit is driving Sterling and monetary policy is steering the Euro, it seems that the...
Sterling Facing Brexit Knife Edge
Hammond to deliver spending plans
Today, Philip Hammond the Chancellor of the Exchequer will deliver his final full year budget to Parliament before the U.K....