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Developed by the brilliant minds in the industry, Innovative CW is one of the leading trading platforms. Standing among the leading brokers all over...

Bitcoin: The Current Chart Looks Like A Final Stages Of Market Manipulation. Interest In...

LONDON. Dr. Dariusz Swierk, Editor in Chief of New City Trader, a magazine for professional traders, says that several factors indicate that we may...

What is TurboXBT? The New Short-Term Contracts Platform TurboXBT Offers 90% Profits on the...

TurboXBT is a new synthetic short term trading platform that affords its users the opportunity to earn instant profits in a short period of...

Thinking of exchanging cryptocurrency anonymously? Godex.io is the answer!

Thinking of exchanging cryptocurrency anonymously? Godex.io is the answer! This website will provide you with top-notch services and the best customer experience! Best Anonymous Cryptocurrency...

Bitcoin will soon cost over $10,000. All thanks to Facebook! – 10.06.2019

Bitcoin will soon cost over $10,000. All thanks to Facebook! Will the main cryptocurrency - Bitcoin - be worth more than 10 thousand USD in...

BlockchainFiesta – a festival of blockchain coming to Cracow, Poland this autumn

Blockchain technology has been knocking on the doors of numerous areas of life and it’s not confined to cryptocurrencies only. This time innovation and...

Polish Ministry of Finance has published amendments to the law on cryto-related taxation

The Polish Ministry of Finance has come up with draft amendments to the Act on Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax that pertain to...

“Bitcoin is not a bubble, but a tiny pointed pin” – interview with Szczepan...

Among the speakers during this edition of Cryptocurrency World Expo – one Poland’s largest and most prominent events devoted to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology,...

Still not sure what to do this summer? Treat yourself to Cryptocurrency World Expo...

For most of us the month of July is usually the time to slow down, switch ourselves to a lower gear and let our...

Cryptocurrency as solution of classical banking’s problems

Interview with Kamran Gasimov,Co-Founder and Development Director of Accounting and Tax Resources and Founder and Director of Richmond Group. What is the reason of sharp...