Trading Based On EMA144
Moving averages are one of the most often used indicators available to traders.
What average should we choose when we have in principle their infinite...
Trading Price Action + MACD – Way to Increase the Probability of Winning
While trading on the forex market I had opportunity to test a dozen of indicators offered by the MT4 platform, which I one by...
NZDCAD – Head and Shoulders completed – time for falls ? 21/01/2019
NZDCAD - last week I described this pair and the emerging Head and Shoulders formation, which just this night was formed and the price...
OIL.WTI – will Oil rise from the knees? – 26/12/18
To begin with, a few words explaining where this abbreviation WTI comes from and what it has to do with oil... because, as it...
EURUSD – attempt to break from descending wedge – 08/11/18
EURUSD - After setting a maximum of 1.2555 in January this year, the pair moved until mid-April in a wide 300p consolidation and at...
EURUSD – spectacular return to consolidation – 28/01/2019
EURUSD - failed to break out from consolidation
EURUSD has been moving since mid-November in a broad consolidation between 1.1220 and 1.1570. Last week's ECB...
NZD/CAD once again tests broken support – 14/01/2019
The NZD/CAD currency pair broke the sequence of growing lows and highs on the daily chart, as I mentioned in the analysis of 4...
“When Theory meets Practice” – summary of the week 03-08/12/2018
This week's macro events which would be worth mentioning were: OPEC meeting in Vienna, Payrolls (USA and Canada) and BoC's decision to leave the...
CADJPY – long term trend line rejected – 04/03/2019
CADJPY since the memorable night on January 2/3 this year, when flash crash on pairs with Jen led to the setting of a 2-year...
“When Theory meets Practice” – 05/01/2019
The last week of December and the first New Year is usually characterised by low liquidity and short-term consolidation movements.
The same would be true...