23/06/2013 Last week I posted 3 trades Binary Options – trades with ONE TOUCH system 20/06/2013. There was 500% gain on S&P500, and 1 other option was very, very close. On this moment eXbino USD/JPY 220% i levels: 93.7 / 101.8 Gold 170% 1354 i 1234 NASDAQ 200% i 3262/ 3450 EUR/USD 450% i 1.276 / 1.348 Oil 200% i 89.8/97.9 Facebook 210% i 26.4 / 22.5 Biggest emotions can be on Yen market thats why even both PUT and CALL can work. But only 200% gain is too low to trade like this. CALL can be good option because of strong USD, and possible next wave of weak Yen. Best gain is on EUR/USD but levels are really far. Again because of strong Dollar PUT can work.eXbino