Polish millionaire trader Rafał Zaorski announced a very aggressive strategy – Merlin’s shares skyrocket...
Discussions are ongoing on the Merlin Group exchange rate and mysterious share price rise noted by the company before the letter of intent was published...
Cryptocurrency in a pill
Cryptocurrency might seem complicated and impossible to understand. For some people, it stands in the same category as UFO. What if I told you,...
National Bank of Poland Spends close to PLN 100k on YouTube Campaign against Cryptocurrencies.
National Bank of Poland Spends close to PLN 100k on YouTube Campaign against Cryptocurrencies. Triggers instant controversy. In December 2017 NBP, the Polish Central...
First in Poland security fund dedicated to crypto exchanges – Crypto Security Fund.
Jakub Mościcki and Rafał Zaorski from Krypto Jam start with the first in Poland security fund dedicated to crypto exchanges - Crypto Security Fund.
Zaorski and Mościcki Set on Establishing a Tokenized Index of Polish Blockchain Companies Listed...
During the latest episode of “Śniadanie z Bitcoinem” (Good Morning, Bitcoin), hosted on a regular basis by Lech Wilczyński and Szczepan Bentyn, two special...
Jakub Mościcki: We are going to solve the problem of security on cryptocurrency exchanges
On 18 – 19 July 2018, Warsaw hosted a third edition of Cryptocurrency World Expo (CWE) - second one organised in the capital city...
Cryptocurrency as solution of classical banking’s problems
Interview with Kamran Gasimov,Co-Founder and Development Director of Accounting and Tax Resources and Founder and Director of Richmond Group.
What is the reason of sharp...
BlockchainFiesta – a festival of blockchain coming to Cracow, Poland this autumn
Blockchain technology has been knocking on the doors of numerous areas of life and it’s not confined to cryptocurrencies only. This time innovation and...
How To Analyze Bitcoin’s Growth
How To Analyze Bitcoin's Growth
Bitcoin has proven to be one of the trickier assets in all of the modern investment when it comes to...
Polish Ministry of Finance has published amendments to the law on cryto-related taxation
The Polish Ministry of Finance has come up with draft amendments to the Act on Personal Income Tax and Corporate Income Tax that pertain to...